Real Estate: Man­age­ment Insights — UK Afford­able Hous­ing



Real Estate: Man­age­ment Insights — UK Afford­able Hous­ing


UK Com­mu­ni­i­ity HomesBlack Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners


This will be record­ed and uploaded to YouTube where it will be avail­able on-demand. Reg­is­ter now to receive an email as soon as the record­ing is pub­lished on our YouTube chan­nel.




Dura­tion around 30 min


UKCH Man­age­ment Team

Found­ed in 2019, UK Com­mu­ni­i­ity Homes (pre­vi­ous­ly 3i Prop­er­ty) are engaged in the acqui­si­tion, con­sol­i­da­tion and man­age­ment of afford­able res­i­den­tial prop­er­ties in the North West & North East of Eng­land, Mid­lands and Wales.

UK Com­mu­ni­i­ity Homes Group brought togeth­er a team with exten­sive expe­ri­ence with­in the inter­na­tion­al prop­er­ty and invest­ment man­age­ment sec­tors. Through their exper­tise and estab­lished track records, they have amassed a com­pre­hen­sive net­work of qual­i­fied local sourc­ing, prop­er­ty agents and prop­er­ty man­agers, and senior UK finan­cial and legal advi­sors.

The Com­pa­ny also has its own pos­i­tive impact strat­e­gy regard­ing improved ten­ant liv­ing con­di­tions and sup­port of local com­mu­ni­ties.

Bri­an Elders

Bri­an Elders, Part­ner at Black Man­ta Cap­i­tal Part­ners, has a long track record as a leader in inter­na­tion­al finan­cial ser­vices & pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices based in Ire­land, Poland, Hun­gary, Sin­ga­pore and Hong Kong. Bri­an has a degree in Busi­ness and Law and has qual­i­fi­ca­tions in account­ing, trea­sury & quant finance. Bri­an is a great believ­er in inno­va­tion & is pas­sion­ate about the impact that blockchain / dig­i­tal assets can have in glob­al finance.


Please join for a pan­el led by Bri­an Elders.

This ses­sion will cov­er:

After an intro­duc­tion of the pan­elists and a brief overview of the Lares UK Afford­able Hous­ing project man­aged by UK Comu­ni­i­ity Homes (UKCH), the man­ag­ment team will pro­vide inter­est­ing insights into man­ag­ing a dig­i­tized real estate project and lessons learned from the field.
In addi­tion, UKCH will explain the struc­ture of Lares Dig­i­tal Bonds and out­line the details of the offer­ing.

Feel free to reach out to us any­time for any fur­ther ques­tions you may have:

This talk will be held in Eng­lish.

Be sure to reg­is­ter. All reg­is­trants will receive an email as soon as the record­ing is pub­lished on our YouTube Chan­nel.


About Lares Dig­i­tal Bonds:

Lares Dig­i­tal Bonds are an oppor­tu­ni­ty to invest into income pro­duc­ing assets, which rep­re­sent frac­tion­al par­tic­i­pa­tion in a pre­ferred debt instru­ment to finance acqui­si­tion of high-yield­ing, afford­able res­i­den­tial homes in the Mid­lands and North­ern Eng­land.

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